双语盘点:世界杯“神策”动物明星(组图)1. 章鱼保罗
Paul -- an octopus at the Sea Life public aquarium in Oberhausen, western Germany -- has so far correctly predicted the outcome of each of Germany's World Cup matches。 生活在西德奥本哈森海洋生命水族馆的章鱼哥保罗现在俨然全球炙手可热的明星,因为他已经正确地预测了世界杯几乎所有比赛! 2. 威海螯虾
Meanwhile at the Sea Life aquarium in Berlin, langoustines, or Norway lobsters, play matches every day with a small football filled with sardines。 同时,在柏林的海洋生命水族馆内,一对挪威海螯虾每天都会用装着沙丁鱼的小足球比赛。 3. 河马贝蒂
Terrestrial animals haven't been as successful as Paul: Petty, a pygmy hippo at the Chemnitz Zoo in eastern Germany, picked Germany over Serbia last week. Handlers placed apples under each national flag to see which side Petty will support。 陆生动物们可没有章鱼哥那么厉害啦:生活在东德Chemnitz动物园的河马贝蒂预测错误了德国对塞尔维亚的比赛。贝蒂预测的方式是撞向挂有国旗的门。 4. 小豪猪李昂
Leon, a porcupine -- also in Chemnitz -- liked Australia. It turned out to be a losing choice。 同样是Chemnitz动物园的小豪猪李昂看起来更爱澳大利亚,不过他也错了。 5. The Chemnitz staff turns to a new animal for each game. Their latest consultant, Anton, is a tamarin. Anton chooses a morsel of fruit in favor of Ghana -- much to the chagrin of his host country。 Chemnitz的工作人员每场比赛之后都会找新的动物来预测比分(小编滴汗:是有多无聊啊……)。他们上一次就选中了绢毛猴爱顿。爱顿选择了自己的“原产国”加纳——你这让新主人情何以堪啊…… 6. Other zoos have gotten into the World Cup spirit as well. The Berlin Zoo let two young pigs play around with a ball before the first day of the competition on June 11. 其他动物园也都陷入了世界杯的疯狂。柏林动物园在7月11号第一场开赛前就让两只小猪先赛上了。 网友评论
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